Please join me for an online featured reading I’m especially excited to be giving on November 19 at 7 PM, EST. It will mark the first time I’ll be reading the title poem and others from the final section of IN PRAISE OF MANHATTAN, which was published in January.

You can take in the reading via live streaming on FB LIVE the NeuroNautic Institute / NeuroNautic Press page HERE:

Hosted by NeuroNautic Institute / Neuronautic Press and the inimitable Matthew Hupert, the event will feature the following three readers, as aptly blurbed by Matthew:

David M.Katz

“A poet of humor and tight form[!]”

Laura Davis-Chanin

author of The Girl in the Back: A Female Drummer's Life with Bowie, Blondie, and the '70s Rock Scene.

Yuko Otomo

“Fiercely delicate—a silk edged scalpel.”

Mario Jose Pagán Morales

“A strong NYC voice speaking to power.”

Plus the Neuronautic’s dynamic open mic.

In Matthew’s words:

“Who knows what post election America will look like? (...the shadow knows...)
What i do know is, that whatever happens, poets and artists' voices will need to speak out.

Come join us - cozy in with a cocktail, huddle close to a loved one, and give a listen.
Maybe even join in on one of the most vibrant open mics online life has to offer.”

If you’d like to read at the open mic, contact Matthew for the ZOOM address at: Press@neuronautic.com.